净化烟气最后经除雾器除去残留液滴后排放 |
添加时间:2019/9/4 14:23:07 浏览次数: |
在高速吸收区,来自除尘装置的原烟气由塔顶高速进入塔内的高速湍流吸收区,吸收液由处于高速湍流区下部的竖喷喷嘴喷出,与烟气在湍流吸收区内逆向接触,当气、液两相动量平衡时,形成一段高度湍动的驻波区,在此区域,气液两相在短时间内充分接触、不断更新,获得充分的传热与传质效率,吸收液转向,落向塔体底部,净化烟气转弯,沿塔垂直向上流动。 In the high-speed absorption zone, the flue gas from the dedusting device enters the high-speed turbulent absorption zone at high speed from the top of the tower, and the absorption liquid is ejected from the vertical nozzle at the lower part of the high-speed turbulent zone, which contacts the flue gas in the turbulent absorption zone in reverse. When the momentum of gas and liquid is balanced, a highly turbulent standing wave zone is formed in this zone. In the region, the gas-liquid two phases are fully contacted and renewed in a short period of time to obtain sufficient heat and mass transfer efficiency. The absorbed liquid is diverted to the bottom of the tower, and the flue gas is purified to turn and flow vertically upward along the tower. 在低速吸收区,烟气流速急剧下降并均匀分布,来自吸收塔上部一层喷淋联管的雾化浆液在塔中均匀喷淋,与均匀上升的烟气继续反应,形成二次脱硫。净化烟气最后经除雾器除去残留液滴后排放。 In the low-speed absorption zone, the flue gas velocity drops sharply and distributes evenly. The atomized slurry from the upper spray pipe sprays evenly in the tower, and reacts with the uniformly rising flue gas to form secondary desulfurization. The purified flue gas is finally discharged after the residual droplets are removed by a mist eliminator. |
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