玻璃钢管件的特点 |
添加时间:2019/7/22 15:18:27 浏览次数: |
轻质高强:玻璃钢制品的材料密度通常为1.8~2.0g/cucm,约为钢材的1/4~1/5,环向抗拉强度≥300MPa,比强度比钢材高。 Light weight and high strength: The density of FRP products is usually 1.8-2.0g/cucm, which is about 1/4-1/5 of steel. The circumferential tensile strength is over 300 MPa, and the specific strength is higher than that of steel. 耐化学腐蚀,使用寿命长:玻璃钢具有优异的耐化学腐蚀性能,在腐蚀性介质中,玻璃钢显示出其他材料所无法比拟的优越性,不同基体原材料可以耐多种酸、碱、盐和有机溶剂。 Chemical corrosion resistance, long service life: FRP has excellent chemical corrosion resistance. In corrosive media, FRP shows incomparable advantages compared with other materials. Different raw materials can resist a variety of acids, alkalis, salts and organic solvents. 可设计性强:玻璃钢可以通过改变原材料的组合和内衬层、结构层、外表抗老化层等各层厚度结构及成型工艺从而调制品的物理化学性能,以适应不同介质和工作条件下的需要,达到各方面的最优。 Strong designability: FRP can meet the needs of different media and working conditions by changing the combination of raw materials, thickness structure of lining layer, structure layer, anti-aging layer and other layers of exterior and forming process. |
上一页 脱硫塔喷淋管的安装 |
下一页 玻璃钢管道玻璃钢喷淋脱硫定制 |