我需要无油压缩机吗? |
添加时间:2022/7/20 15:46:02 浏览次数: |
我需要无油压缩机吗? Do I need an oil-free compressor? 选择压缩机的第一步是评估设备的需求。有些情况下,油污染的后果太高,这种情况下选用无油空气压缩机是必要的。但大多数的制造业、工井盖钢模具 U型槽模具 天津水处理设备 检查井钢模具 保定公司注册 u型槽模具 流水槽模具 业工厂和小作坊适用于使用油润滑压缩机,因为这些应用场合油污染的后果不会像食品生产设施被有污染了的后果那样严重。空压机中的油的作用是润滑、密封和冷却压缩空气。 The first step in selecting a compressor is to evaluate the needs of the equipment. In some cases, the consequences of oil pollution are too high. In this case, it is necessary to choose oil-free air compressor. However, most manufacturing, industrial plants and small workshops are suitable for using oil lubricated compressors, because the consequences of oil pollution in these applications are not as serious as those of food production facilities. The oil in the air compressor is used to lubricate, seal and cool the compressed air. |
上一页 螺杆空压机和活塞空压机的概述 |
下一页 空压机的原理和结构 |