塔内除雾器对大粒径液滴的脱除效果较好 |
添加时间:2019/7/17 16:08:17 浏览次数: |
(1)一级除雾器出口粒径90以上液滴完全脱除,在气流速度低于5.2m/s的实验过程中均未发现;流速2.4m/s时,一级除雾器出口主要以40~70μm粒径液滴为主,其他较大粒径或较小粒径液滴含量所占比例较少;随塔内速度增加,大粒径液滴所占比例逐渐减少,小粒径液滴所占比例逐渐增大;塔内气流速度增加到4.7m/s时,70μm以上粒径已消失,30μm粒径液滴所占比例最大。 (1) Droplets with a diameter of more than 90 at the outlet of the primary demister are completely removed, and no droplets with a velocity of less than 5.2m/s are found in the experimental process. When the velocity of flow is 2.4m/s, the primary demister outlet is mainly composed of 40-70um droplets with a diameter of 40-70um, and the proportion of other larger or smaller droplets is less; with the increase of the velocity in the tower, the larger droplets have a larger size. The proportion of droplets decreases gradually, and the proportion of droplets with small particle size increases gradually. When the gas velocity in the tower increases to 4.7 m/s, the size of droplets above 70 micron has disappeared, and the proportion of droplets with 30 micron particle size is the largest. (2)二级除雾器出口液滴粒径均在60μm以内,气流速度2.4m/s时50μm粒径液滴占比最大,液滴粒径越小,其质量所占总液滴质量的比例越小;随气流速度增加,大粒径液滴的质量占总液滴质量的比例逐渐减小,小粒径液滴的质量占总液滴质量的比例逐渐增大。 (2) The droplet size at the outlet of the secondary demister is all within 60 micron, and the 50 micron droplet size accounts for the largest proportion at 2.4 m/s of airflow speed. The smaller the droplet size, the smaller the proportion of droplet mass to total droplet mass. With the increase of airflow speed, the proportion of large droplet mass to total droplet mass decreases gradually, and the proportion of small droplet mass to total droplet mass. The proportion of total droplet mass increases gradually. (3)塔内除雾器对大粒径液滴的脱除效果较好,经过除雾器最终排出的液滴主要由小粒径液滴组成。 (3) The removal efficiency of large-size droplets by mist eliminator in tower is better. The final droplets discharged by mist eliminator are mainly composed of small-size droplets. |
上一页 玻璃钢管道玻璃钢喷淋脱硫定制 |
下一页 玻璃钢喷淋管的性能非常高 |