喷淋管主干管和支管为什么管径要越来越小 |
添加时间:2019/6/24 13:39:47 浏览次数: |
因为必须保证末端单个喷头的喷水压力也就是流量一定,越靠近干管管道负责的喷头数越多,也就流量越大,相同管径下流量和流速成正比,延程阻力损失与流速也称正比增加! Because it is necessary to ensure that the sprinkler pressure at the end of a single nozzle is a constant flow rate. The closer the nozzle is to the main pipe, the more the number of nozzles is responsible for, the shuiniguan.37ix.com.cntaoci.37ix.com.cnchongdian.89ix.comkongzhifa.89ix.compeidiand.89ix.com shiyand.89ix.comgreater the flow rate. The flow rate and velocity are proportional to the same diameter, and the drag loss and flow velocity are also proportional to increase. 如果管道过细造成延程阻力损失很大就会造成喷头处压力不足,无法保证出水!只有增大根部管径,让后根据流量(喷头数)逐步缩小管径就可以达到既能达到要求有经济的目的! If the pipeline is too thin to cause a great loss of drag, it will cause insufficient pressure at the sprinkler, which can not guarantee the water outflow. Only by increasing the root diameter and gradually reducing the diameter according to the flow rate (number of sprinklers) can we achieve the economic purpose required! |
上一页 玻璃钢喷淋管的性能非常高 |
下一页 因喷淋的灭火成本相对来讲也是很高的 |