喷淋管与喷淋头设计 |
添加时间:2019/3/2 15:52:29 浏览次数: |
根据设计流量,按照标准GB50084-2001从支管算起,根据流量选管径。一般说来,对于中危险级(最普遍):DN25带1个喷淋头,DN32可带3个喷淋头,DN40可带4个喷淋头,DN50可带8个喷淋头,DN70可带16个喷淋头,DN80可带32个喷淋头,DN100可带63个喷淋头,DN150可带800个喷淋头(即DN150湿式报警阀最大容量),对于轻危险级,可适当放宽。 According to the designed flow rate, according to the standard GB50084-2001, the diameter of the branch pipe is selected according to the flow rate. Generally speaking, for medium-risk level (most common): DN25 with one sprinkler head, DN32 with three sprinkler heads, DN40 with four sprinkler heads, yuniguhua.71ix.comshijiazhuang.75ix.cnyesanpo.37ix.com.cnbaoding.75ix.cnmojusn.37ix.com.cn bxgxianwei.37ix.com.cnDN50 with eight sprinkler heads, DN70 with 16 sprinkler heads, DN80 with 32 sprinkler heads, DN100 with 63 sprinkler heads, DN150 with 800 sprinkler heads (i.e. maximum capacity of DN150 wet alarm valve), for light-risk level, it can be relaxed appropriately. |
上一页 玻璃钢除雾器喷淋的工艺流程及作用 |
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