玻璃钢管道有什么特点? |
添加时间:2018/12/22 16:23:50 浏览次数: |
耐腐蚀性能好 Good corrosion resistance 纤维缠绕玻璃钢管道结构上分内衬层、结构层及外保护层三部分。其中,内衬层树脂含量高,一般在70%以上,其内表面富树脂层树脂含量高达95%左右。通过对内衬所用树脂的选择,可使玻璃钢管道在输送液体时具有不同的耐腐蚀性能,从而满足不同的工作需要;对需外防腐的场合,只需对外保护层树脂进行认真选择,便也可达到不同外防腐的使用目的。 The structure of filament wound FRP pipeline consists of three parts: inner lining layer, structural layer and outer protective layer. Among them, the resin content of the lining layer is high, generally more than 70%, and the resin content of the resin-rich layer on the inner surface is as high as 95%. Through the selection of resin used for lining, FRP pipes can have different corrosion resistance when transporting liquid, so as to meet different work needs. For external corrosion protection occasions, only careful selection of resin for external protection layer can also achieve different purposes of external corrosion protection. 根据不同的腐蚀环境,可选用不同的防腐树脂,主要包括:间苯型不饱和聚酯树脂、乙烯基树脂、双酚A树脂、环氧树脂及呋喃树脂等,根据具体情况分别选用:对酸性环境,选用双酚A树脂、呋喃树脂等;对碱性环境,选用乙烯基树脂、环氧树脂或呋喃树脂等;对溶剂型使用环境,选用呋喃等树脂;当酸、盐、溶剂等腐蚀不是十分严重时,则可选用价格较为低廉的间苯型树脂〔2〕。通过对内衬层不同树脂的选择,便可使玻璃钢管道广泛用于酸、碱、盐、溶剂等工作环境中,表现出良好的耐腐蚀性能。 According to different corrosive environments, different anticorrosive resins can be selected, mainly including resorcinol unsaturated polyester resin, vinyl resin, bisphenol A resin, epoxy resin and furan resin. According to the specific conditions, they are selected respectively: bisphenol A resin and furan resin for acid environment, vinyl resin, epoxy resin or furan resin for alkaline environment, etc. In solvent-based environment, furan and other resins are selected; when the corrosion of acid, salt and solvent is not very serious, m-phenyl resin with lower price can be selected. By choosing different resins for lining, FRP pipes can be widely used in acid, alkali, salt, solvent and other working environments, showing good corrosion resistance. 水力学性能优良 Excellent Hydraulic Properties 缠绕玻璃钢管道内表面光滑,内壁绝对粗糙度仅为0.01 mm,远小于钢管及铸铁管的内壁粗糙度见表1〔3〕,属水力学光滑管。 The inner surface of wrapped FRP pipes is smooth, and the absolute roughness of the inner wall is only 0.01 mm, which is much smaller than that of steel pipes and cast iron pipes. The roughness of the inner wall of wrapped FRP pipes is shown in Table 1 [3]. It is a hydraulically smooth pipe. 不同管材内壁绝对粗糙度 Absolute Roughness of Inner Wall of Different Pipes 管道类型 新钢管 半新钢管 旧钢管 铸铁管 玻璃钢管 Pipeline Type New Steel Pipe, Semi-new Steel Pipe, Old Steel Pipe, Cast Iron Pipe, FRP Pipe 粗糙度/mm 0.1~0.2 0.2~0.3 0.5~0.8 0.6~1.0 0.01 Roughness/mm 0.1-0.20.2-0.30.5-0.8 0.6-1.0.01 根据Hazen-Williams公式: According to Hazen-Williams formula: Hf=〔42.7Q/(C×D2.63〕1.852 (1) Hf=[42.7Q/(C*D2.63]1.852(1) 对缠绕玻璃钢管道和新碳素钢管道进行计算比较:管内液体流量相同时,缠绕玻璃钢管道输送介质时所引起的压头损失仅为同管径新碳素钢管的0.856倍〔4〕。 Comparing the calculation results of winding FRP pipes and new carbon pipes, the head loss caused by winding FRP pipes conveying medium is only 0.856 times as much as that of new carbon pipes with the same diameter when the liquid flow rate is the same. |
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