喷淋管特性 |
添加时间:2018/7/10 14:58:49 浏览次数: |
喷淋管特性 Characteristics of spray tube 1、优良的电绝缘性。喷淋管的涂层采用环氧树脂属于热固性树脂,具有良好的抗静电性能。 1, excellent electrical insulation. The coating of the spray pipe is epoxy resin, which is a thermosetting resin and has good antistatic performance. 2、稳定性好,不和大多数物质发生化学反应,防腐性能好。 2. Good stability, no chemical reaction with most substances, good anticorrosive property. 4、管面涂层附着力强,它对金属、陶瓷、玻璃、混凝土、木材等极性基材以优良的附着力。 4. Tube surface coating has strong adhesion. It has excellent adhesion to metal, ceramic, glass, concrete, wood and other polar substrates. 5、力学性能高。具有和钢铁等同的强度,并且表面具有很强的内聚力,分子结构致密,所以它的力学性能高于酚醛树脂和不饱和聚酯等通用型热固性树脂。 5. The mechanical properties are high. It has the same strength as steel, and has a strong cohesive force on the surface, and its molecular structure is compact, so its mechanical properties are higher than the common type thermosetting resins, such as phenolic resin and unsaturated polyester. 6、耐热性能好,耐热性一般为80~100℃。环氧树脂的耐热品种可达200℃或更高。 6, heat resistance is good, heat resistance is generally 80~100 degrees. The heat-resistant varieties of epoxy resin can reach 200 degrees centigrade or higher. 7、固化收缩率小,一般为1%~2%。是热固性树脂中固化收缩率最小的品种之一,其线胀系数也很小,一般为6×10-5/℃。所以固化后体积变化不大。 7, the curing shrinkage rate is small, generally 1% ~ 2%. It is one of the varieties with the lowest curing shrinkage in thermosetting resins, and its linear expansion coefficient is very small, generally 6 * 10-5/ degrees. So the volume changes little after curing. |
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