玻璃钢喷淋管特点 |
添加时间:2018/4/23 15:05:11 浏览次数: |
玻璃钢喷淋管特点: GFRP spray pipe features: 1、洗涤式工作原理,除尘脱硫效率高,捕捉有害气体多。BTL烟气净化器集脱硫除尘为一体,为喷淋方式,喷嘴设计独特,采用美国技术制作的玻璃钢螺旋喷嘴,在一定的给水压力下,喷射出密密层层的水雾,粉尘及有害气体与水雾充分接触,故除尘、脱硫、除氮及洗涤碳黑的效果较其它湿式除尘器有较大提高。除尘率≥98%,二氧化硫脱除率≥85%,烟气林格曼黑度<1级。 1, washing principle, high efficiency of dust removal and desulfurization, catching more harmful gas. BTL flue gas purifier combines desulphurization and dedusting as a whole. It is unique in the design of spray nozzle. It uses the spiral nozzles made by American technology. Under certain water pressure, the dense layer of water mist is ejected, dust and harmful gas are fully contacted with water mist, so the effect of dust removal, desulphurization, nitrogen removal and washing carbon black is more effective. Other wet dust remover has great improvement. The dust removal rate is more than 98%, the sulfur dioxide removal rate is more than 85%, and the smoke LG man black degree is 1. 2、脱水板设计合理、独特,脱水效果好。 2, the design of dehydrating plate is reasonable and unique, and the dehydration effect is good. 筒体内设有脱水装置,脱水板设计合理独特,当雾气通过脱水装置时,被碰撞截流变向,沿筒壁流下,防止了二次带水,脱水效率高。 The dehydration device is set in the barrel, and the dehydrating plate is designed reasonably and uniquely. When the mist is passed through the dehydrating device, it is collided and intercepting, and the water is prevented by two times and the dehydration efficiency is high. 3、阻力小、节水、节电、运行费用低。 烟气从筒体下部自然引入,截面大、风速小,因此烟气阻力小,主体阻力≤900Pa,系统阻力≤1200Pa.由于阻力小,消耗动力也小。加之排出的水经过沉淀,封闭循环使用,一方面节约水资源,另一方面防止污水流入下水道,造成二次污染,达到节水、节电的作用,使运行费用降低。 3, small resistance, water saving, electricity saving, low operating costs. The flue gas is naturally introduced from the lower part of the cylinder, with large cross section and small wind speed, so the smoke resistance is small, the main resistance is less than 900Pa, and the resistance of the system is less than 1200Pa. because the resistance is small and the power consumption is small. In addition, the discharge of water through precipitation, closed cycle use, on the one hand save water resources, on the other hand to prevent sewage flow into the sewer, causing two pollution, to save water and save electricity, and reduce the cost of operation. 4、体积小、重量轻、占地面积小,安装运输方便。 4, small size, light weight, small footprint, convenient installation and transportation. 本产品圆柱形体,属整体结构,出厂时自带支架,安装、移装非常方便,可根据地方大小地面形势,以左右吊挂,架空敷设等各种方式安装,适应性极强。 The cylindrical body of this product belongs to the whole structure. It is easy to install and remove the support when it comes out of the factory. It can be installed in various ways, such as hanging in the left and right side, overhead laying, and so on. |
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