Solve air compressor leakage and gas usage methods
据权威机构检测,空压机所消耗的电能仅有10%转化成压缩空气,剩下的90%转化为热能,由此可见,压缩空气比电费还要贵十倍,但是往往我们都忽略了这一点。 在大多数的工厂,到处都能听到漏气的声音,但是根本没有人理会,如果我们把泄漏问题解决了,就节省了大量的能源,因此,当听到漏气时,要及时采取相应的措施。 还有一些工厂在用气方式上存在很大的误区,比如在线路板生产厂家,大多数电镀线上都要用振动来增加对小孔的电镀能力,有些厂家偏好采用气振来达到此目的,殊不知,这样做比采用电振的方式要多消耗十倍以上的电力。
According to authoritative institutions, only 10% of the electrical energy consumed by air compressors is converted into compressed air, and the remaining 90% is converted into thermal energy. This shows that compressed air is ten times more expensive than electricity, but we often overlook this point. In most factories, the sound of air leakage can be heard everywhere, but no one pays attention. If we solve the leakage problem, we can save a lot of energy. Therefore, when we hear a leak, we should take corresponding measures in a timely manner. There are also some factories that have significant misconceptions about the use of air. For example, in circuit board manufacturers, most electroplating lines use vibration to increase the electroplating ability of small holes. Some manufacturers prefer to use air vibration to achieve this goal, but little do they know that this method consumes more than ten times more electricity than using electric vibration.
Therefore, the energy-saving of air compressors requires timely treatment of air leakage issues while also avoiding improper gas usage methods.
2、 Energy saving renovation of air compressors
对空压机的节能改造方式主要有以下三种 1.变频调速方式
There are mainly three energy-saving renovation methods for air compressors: 1. Variable frequency speed regulation method
Adopting frequency conversion speed regulation method to reduce the shaft power output of the air compressor motor. Before the renovation, when the pressure of the air compressor reaches the set pressure, it will automatically unload; After the renovation, the air compressor does not unload, but reduces the gas production during the compressor by reducing the speed to maintain the minimum pressure required for the gas network. There are two places where energy can be saved:
(1) Reduce the electrical energy consumption caused by the sudden change process of the compressor from unloading state to loading state.
(2) The operating frequency of the motor is reduced to below the power frequency, resulting in a decrease in the output power of the motor shaft. Both of the above methods have reduced the energy consumption of the air compressor to varying degrees during operation. However, the fact that the air compressor generates such a large amount of heat during operation that it dissipates into the air in vain has not received widespread attention from users for a long time. This cannot be said to be a great regret.