Common faults of air compressor
(1) Poor ventilation and heat dissipation of the environment. The environment around the air compressor mainly affects the heat dissipation in three cases: first, it is too close to wall obstacles; Second, there are other heat sources near the air compressor. Third, the front door and side door are open during operation, and the fan cannot form strong airflow.
(2)散热器堵塞。当空压机周定州苗木  保定网站建设 保定电动门 保定空压机 化粪池模具 微型蠕动泵 上海起帆电缆围环境灰尘较多时,长期运行就造成散热器外表黏附一层粉尘或油泥,其内部铜管也容易因油垢积累而堵塞,从而影响散热效果。
(2) The radiator is blocked. When there is a lot of dust around the air compressor, long-term operation will cause a layer of dust or oil sludge to adhere to the outside of the radiator, and its internal copper pipe is also easy to be blocked due to the accumulation of oil dirt, thus affecting the heat dissipation effect.
(3) The oil filter is too dirty. The machine has three side-by-side oil filters. When it is too dirty, the resistance oil cannot enter the compressor according to the normal flow, and the compressor will rise rapidly due to insufficient cooling lubricating oil. When the inlet and outlet oil pressure difference exceeds 0.18mpa, the filter element needs to be replaced.
(4) The cooling oil level is too low. When the oil level is lower than the lower end of the inspection pipe during the cold machine inspection, it shall be supplemented immediately.
(5) Low oil grade or poor oil quality. The machine adopts the manufacturer's special compressor oil. When using other low-grade or inferior oil, the viscosity and specific heat will not reach the standard, resulting in too high temperature.


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