Maintenance status of air compressor
1.1 市场现状
1.1 market status
空压机维修也是一个很大的市场,由于生产厂家与地方维修企业分离,与其他行业维修市场相比,缺乏空压机专业技术人才,致使空压机维修市场发展极度缓慢。新技术得不到及时推广应用,空压机维修市场起步较晚,维修设备、修复州苗木  保定网站建设 保定电动门 保定空压机 化粪池模具 微型蠕动泵 上海起帆电缆工艺落后,各维修企业维修质量参差不齐,缺少专门的维修水平评估、检查和监督机制,没有统一的组织管理和标准,这些问题在一定程度上增大了维修难度,而且严重制约着空压机维修市场的快速发展。
Air compressor maintenance is also a large market. Due to the separation of manufacturers from local maintenance enterprises and the lack of professional and technical talents of air compressor compared with the maintenance market of other industries, the development of air compressor maintenance market is extremely slow. The new technology cannot be popularized and applied in time, the air compressor maintenance market starts late, the maintenance equipment and repair technology are backward, the maintenance quality of various maintenance enterprises is uneven, there is a lack of special maintenance level evaluation, inspection and supervision mechanism, and there is no unified organization, management and standard. These problems increase the maintenance difficulty to a certain extent, and seriously restrict the rapid development of the air compressor maintenance marke


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