
空压机全称空气压缩机(英文为:air compressor)


The full name of air compressor is air compressor. It is the main body of air source device. It is a device that converts the mechanical energy of prime mover (usually motor) into gas pressure energy. It is the air pressure generator of compressed air.
空气压缩机的种类很多,按保定网站建设  保定荆塘铺 伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏  钢纤维 天津除甲醛  保定铝型材工作原理可分为容积式压缩机、往复式压缩机、离心式压缩机。
There are many kinds of air compressors. According to the working principle, they can be divided into positive displacement compressor, reciprocating compressor and centrifugal compressor.
At present, the commonly used air compressors include piston air compressor, screw air compressor, centrifugal compressor, sliding vane air compressor and scroll air compressor


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