The FRP outlet has strict manufacturing process, compact structure, high strength and rigidity, no sand hole, smooth inner and outer walls, small water resistance coefficient, smooth water, non-toxic, tasteless, high anti-aging degree, corrosion resistance and long service life. After repeated experiments in the environment of - 40 ℃ to 50 ℃ above zero, its physical properties remain unchanged and are suitable for all kinds of climatic regions. Rubber O-ring is used to seal the connection between solid pipe and underground tee and elbow pipe, which is watertight. The upper elbow compression screw is made of modified engineering polypropylene material. Compared with cast iron, it has no rust, no falling off and long service life. The water pressure test shows that the pressure of the whole outlet is more than 10 kg, which is fully applicable in the anti-seepage pipe network.


  1. 电话:13393279368
  2. 手机:03175569729
  3. 地址:河北省泊头市人民公园对面

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