自动喷水灭火系统的喷头68℃ 是按国家标准来生产的,如果室内没有达到指定温度的时候,通常只有两种情况,第一种就是防护的系统设计选用有问题(这种情况需要改造消防灭火系统);

The sprinkler head of automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system is produced according to the national standard at 68 C. If the indoor temperature does not reach the specified temperature, there are usually two cases. The first one is that there are problems in the design and selection of the protection system (this situation requires the reform of the fire extinguishing system).

Another is that there is no need for automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing, because the cost of sprinkler fire extinguishing is relatively high, if only a small fire, the sprinkler will start, the result of flood may be greater than the loss of fire.


  1. 电话:13393279368
  2. 手机:03175569729
  3. 地址:河北省泊头市人民公园对面

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