Seawater desulfurization technology is a desulfurization method which uses the alkalinity of seawater to remove sulfur dioxide from flue gas. In the desulfurization absorption tower, a large amount of seawater sprays and washes into the coal-fired flue gas in the absorption tower. Sulfur dioxide in the flue gas is absorbed by seawater and removed. The purified flue gas is defogged by the demister and heated by flue gas heat exchanger and discharged. After mixing the seawater absorbed by sulfur dioxide with a large amount of not desulfurized, the SO32 - in the seawater is oxidized to a stable SO42 - by aeration in the aeration tank, and the PH value and COD of the seawater are adjusted to meet the discharge standard and discharged into the sea. Seawater desulfurization technology is generally applicable to power plants which are near the seashore, have good diffusion conditions, use seawater as cooling water and use low sulfur coal. Seawater desulfurization process is widely used in flue gas desulfurization of industrial furnaces such as aluminium refineries and oil refineries in Norway. More than 20 sets of desulfurization units have been put into operation. In recent years, the application of seawater desulfurization technology in power plants has made rapid progress. The biggest problem of this process is that the deposition of heavy metals and their impact on the marine environment after flue gas desulfurization can only be concluded after a long period of observation. Therefore, careful consideration should be taken in areas where environmental quality is sensitive and environmental protection requirements are high.


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