玻璃钢脱硫塔厂家告诉大家在使用玻璃钢吸收塔脱硫的过程中常用钠钙双碱法. 钠钙双碱法是玻璃钢吸收塔厂家较为常用的脱硫方法之一,因为它有能耗少、效率高,工程投资少、经济效益高的特点。
The manufacturer of FRP desulfurization tower tells us that sodium-calcium double alkali method is commonly used in the process of desulfurization of FRP absorption tower. Sodium-calcium double alkali method is one of the most commonly used desulfurization methods in FRP absorption tower manufacturer, because it has the characteristics of low energy consumption, high efficiency, low project investment and high economic benefit.
Boiler desulfurization tower manufacturers explain less energy consumption: because the use of sodium-alkali liquid as absorbent, there is no problem of scaling and slurry blockage, it will not affect the safe operation of power plants and boilers of FRP absorber manufacturers, and the absorption rate of sodium salt is faster than that of calcium salt, the liquid-gas ratio required is much lower, and power consumption can be saved.
Dust removal and desulfurization tower manufacturer's explanation efficiency is high: refers to its advanced technology, because sodium alkali activity is very strong, so only a very low liquid-gas ratio can achieve high efficiency desulfurization effect. Engineering investment is low and economic benefits are high: FRP absorber manufacturers can reduce investment. This process uses cheap calcium-alkali regeneration and sodium-alkali reuse, which greatly reduces the operation cost. The economic benefits are much higher than before.
If this process is adopted in the use of FRP absorption tower, the SO2 and smoke dust after desulfurization are obviously less, which is the effect that some users want to desulfurize. Therefore, the glass fiber reinforced plastics absorption tower manufacturer advocates the user to adopt the sodium calcium double alkali method.


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