The process of the FRP desulphurization equipment: first, the hot flue gas enters the pre washing tower and contacts with the saturated ammonium sulfate solution. The flue gas is cooled in this process. At the same time, the ammonium sulfate crystal is precipitated by the evaporation of the water in the saturated ammonium sulfate solution. The cooled flue gas enters the SO2 absorber through the mist eliminator. In the absorption tower, ammonia is mixed with water into ammonia solution. The SO2 in flue gas is absorbed here, and is reacted with ammonia to form ammonium sulfate. Finally, the flue gas after desulphurization is discharged into the atmosphere through a chimney with a height of 120 meters. Ammonium sulfate solution is sent to the pre scrubber for recycling. Ammonium sulfate slurry in the pre washing tower enters the dewatering system. First, the water cyclone is dehydrated, and then the ammonium sulfate filter cake is obtained through centrifuge. Return from the cyclone and the prescrubber centrifuge recovery supernatant recycling. The ammonium sulfate filter cake is sent to the granulation system to obtain the high use value of the ammonium sulphate fertilizer, which is stored in a dome storage tank that can hold 50000 tons of ammonium sulfate before being transported by a train or a truck.


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