The main purpose of FRP spray pipe is FRP spray pipe, which is a lightweight, high-strength and corrosion-resistant nonmetal pipe. With the development of phenolic epoxy vinyl ester resin, glass fiber reinforced plastic spray pipe has been widely applied in flue gas desulfurization system.
玻璃钢喷淋管以其独具的强耐腐蚀性能、内表面光滑、输送能耗低、使用寿命长(在50年以上)、运输安装方便、不需维修及综合造价低等诸多优势在石油、电力、化工、造纸、城市给排水、工厂污 水处理、海水淡化、煤气输送等行业取得了广泛的应用。
FRP spray pipe has been widely used in such industries as oil, electric power, chemical industry, papermaking, urban water supply and drainage, wastewater treatment, desalination, gas transportation and so on, with its unique corrosion resistance, smooth inner surface, low energy consumption, long service life (over 50 years), convenient transportation and installation, no need for maintenance and low comprehensive cost.
玻璃钢喷淋管还应用于石油、化工及排水等行业。近年来,我国玻璃钢喷淋管道生产发展快,数量逐年上长,应用范围及部门也越来越广。玻璃钢喷淋管道采用 树脂(输送饮用水采用食品级树脂)、玻璃纤维、石英砂为原料,用特殊工艺制作而成。
FRP spray pipe is also applied to petroleum, chemical industry and drainage industry. In recent years, China's glass fiber reinforced plastic spray pipe production has developed rapidly, the number is increasing year by year, and the application scope and departments are also more and more widely. FRP spray pipe is made from resin (drinking water, food grade resin), glass fiber and quartz sand, and made by special technology.