1, excellent corrosion resistance

The corrosion resistance of FRP depends mainly on the resin. With the progress of synthetic technology, the performance of resin is also improving. Especially, the emergence of vinyl ester resin further improves the corrosion resistance, physical properties and heat resistance of FRP. In fact, the FRP made of vinyl ester resin has been successfully used in a more harsh environment than the wet desulfurization system, and has a long history.

2. Heat resistance

In wet desulfurization process, the high temperature is a problem that must be considered, because the mixed gas in the inlet temperature often exceed 180 degrees, parts of the system but also to withstand temporary high temperature quenching, high corrosion potential and thermal damage produced by products led to the selection of structure materials like high nickel alloy C-276 so expensive in order to meet the demand of the service life.


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