Hand lay up molding glass steel pipe spray process is a simple and mature process, the typical process is: in the mould coated with release agent, add curing agent resin mixture and glass fiber fabric hand layer placement, dipping and remove air bubbles, to determine the thickness of laminated. And then cured to form parts.
The advantages of hand lay up molding technology are: no need of special equipment, low investment; from the product shape and size, making products, especially suitable for a large number of small and complex integral structure; can make reasonable use of reinforced materials according to the design requirements, can achieve local enhancement, at the lowest cost to achieve the design requirements, and when the unreasonable design can easily be modified; easy to operate, easy to master, easy to popularize.
The disadvantages of hand finishing are: the quality of the product is not easy to control, the human factor is large; the strength and size accuracy of the product is low; the working condition is poor; the production efficiency is low.
The spray forming process of glass fiber reinforced plastic spray pipe is improved by hand molding, which belongs to the semi mechanized forming process. It is mixed with two kinds of polyester resin, initiator and accelerator respectively from both sides of the spray gun, the gun by fiberglass roving cut off center jet, which is uniformly mixed with the resin deposition to the mold; when the deposition to a certain thickness, by roller compaction, the fiber impregnated resin, remove air bubbles, into the cured products.
Injection molding has the advantages: instead of fabric with fiberglass roving, the material cost can be reduced; the production efficiency is 2 higher than the hand to 4 times; the product is good, no seams, interlaminar shear strength, high resin content, corrosion resistance, leakage of good products; size and shape are not limited.
The disadvantages of spray forming are: high resin content and low strength of products; products can only be smooth on one side; pollute the environment and harm the health of workers.


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