Characteristics of glass fibre reinforced plastic spray pipe:
The structure of the winding layer of the glass fibre reinforced plastic spray pipe is divided into three parts from the outside and inside
1, wear-resisting layer: this part is the winding layer of the outermost structure, by the glass fiber surface felt, resin, wear-resistant silicon carbide composition, the main role for corrosion and wear resistance. This layer of glass fiber surface felt: resin: silicon carbide: 1:57:38 (mass ratio), thickness of about 5mm.
2、抗腐蚀层:该部分由富树脂层及中间层构成,由玻璃纤维表面毡、树脂组成,形成很高抗腐蚀性能,处于耐磨损层下面。富树脂层树脂含量大于90%,厚度约5mm;中间层树脂含量70%~80% ,厚度约3-4mm。
2. Corrosion resistance layer: this part is made of resin rich layer and interlayer. It is made up of glass fiber surface felt and resin. It has high corrosion resistance and is under the wear resistant layer. The resin content of the resin rich layer is more than 90%, the thickness is about 5mm, and the resin content of the intermediate layer is 70% to 80%, and the thickness is about 3-4mm.
3、增强层:该部分直接在管道外壁缠绕,主要设计用来承受压力和其他情况下的载荷,其厚度按载荷条件根据式(1)计算确定。该层树脂含量30%~40% ,由玻璃纤维和短切纤维毡、树脂组成。主要起到刚度,强度的设计要求。
3. Reinforcing layer: this part is directly wrapped on the outer wall of the pipe. It is mainly designed to bear the load under pressure and other conditions, and its thickness is determined according to the load condition according to formula (1). The resin content of the layer is 30% to 40%, which is composed of glass fiber and chopped fiber felt and resin. The main design requirements for stiffness and strength.


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