1、耐腐蚀性能好:纤维缠绕玻璃钢管道结构上分内衬层、结构层及外保护层三部分。 1, good corrosion resistance, FRP pipe structure inner lining layer, structure layer and the outer protective layer three part of filament winding. 其中,内衬层树脂含量高,一般在70%以上,其内表面富树脂层树脂含量高达95%左右。内衬所用的树脂,可根据不同的腐蚀环境,可选用不同的防腐树脂,这样便可使玻璃钢管道广泛用于酸、碱、等工作环境中,从而体现出其良好的耐腐蚀性能。 Among them, the liner resin content is high, generally more than 70%, and its inner surface is rich in resin layer, resin content is as high as 95%. The resin lining, according to the different corrosion environment, can use anti-corrosion resin, so it can make the glass steel pipes are widely used in the working environment of acid and alkali, etc., which reflects the good corrosion resistance. 2.水学性能优良:缠绕玻璃钢管道内表面光滑,内壁绝对粗糙度仅为0.01 mm,远于钢管及铸铁管的内壁粗糙度。 2. excellent performance: hydrics winding FRP pipe inner wall surface is smooth, the absolute roughness is only 0.01 mm, far on the inner wall of steel pipe and cast iron pipe roughness. 3.重量轻,安装、运输方便:玻璃钢管道和钢管或铸铁管,在承受同样内压的情况下,同口径、同长度的玻璃钢管道,其重量约为钢管的30%左右。正因如此,玻璃钢管道在运输时可套装运输,节省油耗及其它费用;安装时,对中小口径的玻璃钢管道一般不需要用重型机械,有的甚至可通过人工搬运,提高了安装速度。 3. light weight, easy to install and transport: glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe and steel pipe or cast iron pipe, under the same internal pressure, the same caliber and the same length of glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe, its weight is about 30% of the steel pipe. Because of this, FRP pipe can be sheathed in transportation transportation, saving fuel and other costs; when installing glass steel pipes of small diameter generally do not need to use heavy machinery, or by manual handling, improves the speed of installation. 4.比强度高、力学性能合理:缠绕玻璃钢管道轴向拉伸强度为160~320MPa,接近于钢管,比强度更高,在结构设计时,管材自重可大幅度减轻,安装十分容易。 4. high strength, reasonable mechanical properties of winding FRP pipe axial tensile strength is 160 ~ 320MPa, close to the steel pipe is higher than the strength in structural design, can greatly reduce the weight of pipe installation is very easy. 5.导热系数低、热应力小 5. low thermal conductivity and small thermal stress 6.接头少、连接方式多样灵活:缠绕玻璃钢管道单管长度6~12m,甚至更长,在长距离管线安装时,所需接头少,既减少了施工费用,也降低了渗漏。另外,缠绕玻璃钢管道的接头方式有多种,施工中灵活选择接头方式,能提高工程的进度。 6., less joints, connections and various flexible: winding glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe, single pipe length 6 ~ 12M, or even longer, in the long distance pipeline installation, less needed joints, both to reduce construction costs, but also to reduce leakage. In addition, there are many ways to connect the FRP pipes, and the flexible joint selection method can improve the progress of the project.


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  2. 手机:03175569729
  3. 地址:河北省泊头市人民公园对面

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