玻璃钢的性能特点: Properties of glass reinforced plastic: 1、优异的耐腐蚀性能 Excellent corrosion resistance 玻璃钢的耐腐蚀性,主要取决于树脂。随着合成技术的不断进步,树脂的性能也在不断提高,尤其乙烯基酯树脂的诞生,进一步提高了玻璃钢的耐腐蚀性能、物理性能以及耐热性。事实上,用乙烯基酯树脂做成的玻璃钢成功地用在比湿法脱硫系统环境更苛刻的环境,已经有很长的历史。 The corrosion resistance of glass steel depends mainly on the resin. With the progress of synthesis technology, the performance of the resin are also constantly improve, especially the birth of vinyl ester resin, to further improve the corrosion resistance of glass fiber reinforced plastic, physical properties and heat resistance. In fact, glass reinforced with vinyl ester resin has a long history of being used in a more demanding environment than the wet process desulfurization system. 2、耐热性能 2, heat-resisting performance 在湿法脱硫工艺中,高温是必须考虑的一个问题,因为混合气体在进口的温度经常会超过180℃,系统中的部件又要承受临时的高温急冷,潜在的热破坏和产生的高腐蚀性副产品导致人们选用象高镍合金C-276这样昂贵的结构材料以满足使用寿命要求。 In the wet desulfurization process, the high temperature is must consider a problem, because of the mixed gas at the inlet temperatures often exceed 180 ℃, the system components and to bear the high temperature quenching of temporary, the thermal damage and potential produce high corrosive by-products leads people to choose expensive, such as high nickel alloy C - 276 to meet the requirements of the service life of the structure of the materials. 用乙烯基酯树脂做成的玻璃钢已成功地替换了因热应力和机械应力产生裂缝的湿法脱硫系统的烟囱衬里。乙烯基酯树脂玻璃钢做成的脱硫塔,可用于更高的温度,寿命更长,也更可靠。 Glass reinforced plastics made of vinyl ester resin have been successfully replaced by the chimney lining of the wet process desulfurization system due to thermal stress and mechanical stress. The desulfurizer, made of vinyl resin, can be used for higher temperature, longer life and more reliable. 玻璃钢的长期使用温度取决于树脂基体的玻璃化转变温度(Tg)和热变形温度(HDT)。双酚A环氧乙烯基酯树脂的HDT高于105℃,酚醛改性环氧乙烯基酯树脂的HDT高于145℃。 The long-term use temperature of glass steel depends on the glass transition temperature (Tg) and heat deformation temperature (HDT) of the resin matrix. Bisphenol A epoxy vinyl ester resin HDT is higher than 105 ℃, phenolic modified epoxy vinyl ester resin HDT is higher than 145 ℃. 3、耐磨蚀性能 Corrosion resistance 在腐蚀环境中玻璃钢的耐磨性能优于钢材,为提高玻璃钢的耐磨性,可以在树脂基体中加入适当的填料。目前在吸收塔内侧、排渣管和喷淋系统中,包括在石灰石法中的输送石灰浆液的管道均可采用玻璃钢,由于在树脂中加入填料,有较好的耐磨性能。 The wear-resisting properties of glass steel in the corrosive environment are superior to that of steel, and the wearability of glass reinforced plastics can be added to the resin matrix. At present, in the absorption tower inside, slag discharge tube and spray system, including the limestone conveying of lime slurry are using glass fiber reinforced plastic pipeline, because of adding filler in the resin has good wear resistance.


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